Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Egg Allergy

Today was eventful. First, I spent two hours in traffic this morning trying to get to my internship. While I was stuck in traffic I talked to my mom who had the kids (Bo had taken them there). She said that she had fixed Emma some bacon and eggs since I don't cook bacon (I hate the smell). Hannah has been trying a lot of table food recently and so my mom gave her a very small amound - she said about a fingernail portion - of egg. So, I get another phone call from mom saying that Hannah was breaking out and that her face and eyes were red and one side was swelling with bumps. She called again and said it was getting very bad and that she was taking her to the doctor. I called the dr. office while still in traffic and then it had got so bad that mom took her directly to the ER. I was able to turn around and get to her. Bo also left work and came to the hospital. By that time the swelling had already come down. Hannah was okay but Emma is terrified of doctors and hospitals so she was the one more upset!

Hannah was seen and dianogsed with a food allergy. She was given a Benedryl and a steriod and then was released. Other than taking the steriod medicine, she was fine. Apparently it did not taste too good because she gagged like crazy. Luckily she was okay and I am so glad my mom was able to get her there. We were scared since allergic reactions caused my grandmother's throat to swell up and close and she had to be intubated. We certainly did not want to see that happen to Hannah.

My mom felt terrible but I told her it was not her fault and if I were there I would had most likely let Hannah try some egg. She has had food with egg product before such as pancakes and had no reaction at all. Hopefully it is just eggs cooked by themselves that caused this. So, no eggs for Hannah for awhile! Thank goodness all is well.

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