I was running very behind the other night and needed to save some time because Hannah was getting hungry. So, I decided to throw Hannah in the bathtub with Emma. Emma was washed and her hair was already cleaned. Bo brought Hannah in and I held Hannah up in the tub. I was not sure how Emma would react, but she was so sweet. Emma pretended to put the shampoo in her hand and then she washed Hannah! She got the washcloth and gave Hannah her bath. I did not prompt her or anything. She just took control and thought she could handle giving Hannah her bath. It was so sweet. The next night we tried it again. Emma started patting the water next to her - I realized that she wanted Hannah to get in with her. She again started taking care of Hannah. Even though Emma is a young "big" sister, she understands that she is older. I can' t wait to see them actually play together when Hannah can move around a bit more. Everyone I have talked to with kids close in age have told me how easy it gets because they will entertain each other so well. I have already seen that for a long time but now I am seeing how Emma is loving Hannah and taking care of her. They are the sweetest little babies!
( I would put up a picture of them, but I know that someday they will both hate me if I have bathtub pictures on the Internet - so here is one of just me and Hannah after Emma was out of the tub!)
After bath time, Emma brought her golf clubs into Hannah's room. She wanted to play golf instead of getting on her PJ's. Bo thought it was great.
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